I Got It From My Mama - The VITAE Team Shares What They’ve Learned From Their Moms 💝

Happy Mother’s Day! 🎉
We want to celebrate and champion the beautiful women who have and continue to shape us into the empowering and confident ladies that we are today.
The team at VITAE APPAREL want to thank our moms, and moms all over the world, by sharing the most inspiring thing we’ve learned from our moms that helped us become the women we are today! 💝
This is what a few VITAE team members learned from their Moms:
Selene - Founder / Head of Marketing
My mom has always inspired me to go after what I want, and to work hard towards my dreams.
There was never a moment where she showed me weakness! She was always this strong, independent, brave woman that raised me on her own and showed me the world.
She was the hardest working person I ever know, working 3 jobs while we immigrated here has taught me the same - to create a life you want you need to work hard and give it your all!
Vina - Content Writer
My mom is a superwoman! Not only did she carry 7 babies in her stomach, but she continued to raise us into 7 beautiful women. My six sisters and I are so grateful to have a strong woman who worked so hard to provide and support us.
Over the years, I have become the person I am with the help from my mom directly and indirectly.
One thing she taught me was to always work hard for what I want, and strive for the best. This gave me the confidence to bet on myself and try new experiences, even if it seemed out of reach.
Jaclyn - Social Media Manager
My mom has inspired me to do anything I find passion in.
She encouraged me to prioritize and spend my time and energy where it counts and to never pass up an opportunity.
She inspired me to push myself out of my comfort zone and do the things I am passionate about - to live the life of my dreams.
Sydney - Community Manager
My mom’s name is Theresa and she is an absolute saint. That’s why we call her Mother Theresa. I’ve always admired her selflessness.
By watching how she cared for my family, I learned to put others first and always be kind to people. But the one thing she taught me that will stick with me forever is that knowledge is power.
She encouraged me to keep an open mind and always look for learning opportunities academic or not. Because of her, I’m always working on expanding my mind and seeking opportunities for growth and development.
I wouldn’t be where I am today without her endless support and I’m incredibly grateful for that.
Dan - Social Media Content Specialist
We have a simple life and my mom never put pressure on what we wanted to do in life.
She always supports us in whatever path we take.
We admire her ways of showing her love through cooking, especially when we are feeling down and we don’t show it. She has her own way of finding it out without asking.
Her food REALLY does give comfort and ease - it’s like magic.
Izzy - Community Facilitator
Ever since I was young, I always went to my mom for everything. From asking her to sign my elementary school field trip forms to helping me with tuition fees. She has always been there for me even in times when I didn’t think I needed her.
One of the most important pieces of advice that she has given me is how to love unconditionally. I know I can be a bit of a handful sometimes and it may seem as though I take her for granted, but she still loves me no matter what.
The second thing she has taught me is to fight for the things that I want because you will never get what you want by doing nothing.
If it weren’t for her, I would not be where I am today, doing the things I love. I am so grateful to have such a strong and supportive woman in my life.
Emily - Graphic Designer
Out of all the things my Mom has taught me over the years, the one that I find myself turning to the most in adulthood is to not take myself too seriously.
Hand in hand with this is the idea that nothing is permanent. Life can get crazy sometimes, and my Mom has always been an amazing example of someone who knows which of life’s curveballs are worth stressing over and which will be irrelevant in a few weeks time.
This ability to take life day by day is something that I have yet to perfect, but that has saved me so much worry.
I am constantly grateful for my Mom and the role model she continues to be for me.
Emma - Head of Operations
My mom taught me that true leadership comes in combinations - Strength and warmth.
She was strong, independent and fierce but she also showed me how to appreciate my warm and quiet side and be proud of the things that make me...me.
Whether it’s stepping out of the comfort zone, working hard for what you want, following your dreams, life-long learning, unconditional love, selflessness, worrying less, and being proud of who you are - We get it from our MAMAS! 👸🏻
Moms help us become the strong, independent, and empowering women we are today.
From carrying us in their tummies to being there to support us when needed, we appreciate everything that our moms do for us! 🙌
Tell your mom why you love her by sharing the most inspiring thing you’ve learned from her! 💝
With love,
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