IWD 2022: Catching Up With Winners From The Women In Business Startup Competition

IWD 2022: Catching Up With Winners From The Women In Business Startup Competition

Happy International Women's Day! 

Here at Vitae Apparel, we're so proud to have a growing community of women who continuously support one another, encourage each other, cheer each other on, and empower one another. 

To celebrate women everywhere, we connected with the winners from our 2021 Women In Business Startup Competition to share their empowering stories, advice, and some words of encouragement! 

The Women In Business Startup Competition was created by Vitae Apparel founder Selene Dior, and MeowBox founder Olivia Canlas. This competition gave women the opportunity to pitch their business ideas for a chance to win mentorships, cash prizes, and more. 

Let's get into it and meet these wonderful women! 

PS. keep scrolling for a special giveaway announcement... ;)


3rd Place Winner


Can you introduce yourself and your business?
Hi! My name is Jessica Wylde. In 2020, I dreamed up my business called My Perfect Pair and brought it to life in May 2021. My Perfect Pair is the world's first luxury lace breast tape. It is size inclusive, customizable, waterproof, and dance proof. I was determined to create a beautiful product that allowed women of all bust sizes to feel confident in their own skin while allowing them to wear any style of neckline without bulky bra bands or straps getting in the way.  

What is one fun fact about you?

A fun fact about me is that even though I never dreamed that this would be the career path I would end up in, I actually won the high school fashion award for designing and creating my very own custom corset! … funny how things work out! 

How did you know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
To be honest, after having kids, I felt very lost. Lost in my body, lost in myself, lost in my relationships, and I was feeling really down. I wanted to go back to work, but I wasn't happy with the idea of going back to my previous occupations. I wanted to create something – something that I could be proud of and do on my own to prove to myself and others that I can do anything. Specifically, I wanted to create something that would make my kids proud and allow me to find myself in the process. I wanted to be my own boss and change the world along the way. 

Being a female entrepreneur, why do you think having more businesses run by women is important?
First off- women are incredibly powerful and are capable of doing anything we put our minds to. Women are smart, creative and passionate, women bring a different side / view point to business, and often have more heart behind it.

There is still a lot of women who get caught up in the preconceived notion that after marriage and children that now your biggest role will be to keep up with all of the house work and child care duties and that running a business would become off the plate, and often in these times we begin to lose our identity along the way.

However, I used this time in my life to inspire myself, and to find what I wanted most in life. I wanted to inspire my own children and other women around me. It is important to acknowledge, and see other women in business, as it may encourage and inspire other women to follow their dreams. We can do anything, and don't have to stand behind others - we too deserve to shine.

What’s a piece of advice for women who are struggling in taking their first step in their entrepreneurial journey? 
Find confidence in yourself, and manifest it! You are capable of anything that you put your mind to. Sometimes the best opportunities come from stepping out of your comfort zone and putting yourself out there. Try not to worry about what others think - this is your life, don’t let anyone take your dreams away from you.  

Who’s a female entrepreneur you look up to?
Sarah Blakely - I love her story, and I love how down to earth she is. It’s inspiring how she started with not much in her pocket but had the confidence in herself and her products (even after being turned down time after time) to create an incredible empire and continuously help women feel good about themselves. 

What is one of your favorite inspirational quotes to keep you motivated and driven?
“One day or day one. “

Funny story with this quote - when I was dreaming about My Perfect Pair, I initially thought that a dream is all it would ever amount to. However, while I was scrolling through instagram, I saw this quote on my feed. It stuck with me and encouraged me to take the next step. When work started picking up, I hired a nanny to watch my kids two mornings each week, and then something super weird happened.

The first day that she started, I strolled into Homesense and saw a beautiful framed photo that said one day or day one. I knew it was a sign that I was on the right path and that photo now sits on my desk to remind me every day of how grateful I am for this simple quote that pushed me to do big things. 

What was your experience like during the process of competing in the Women In Business Start Up Competition?
I was scared to enter the competition. My cousin actually sent me the post from Vitae’s IG page and encouraged me to enter. As a new businesswoman with minimal business experience, I had yet to find my own confidence, so I didn’t think I would have a chance and was scared to be let down. I looked at the post over and over again and then decided, why not!

Then, after receiving the email saying that I was selected to do a live pitch, I couldn't believe my eyes. I had to read it 100 times and then called my cousin and family crying that I was selected and was going to do the pitch on IG live. I started preparing what I would say, including numbers and questions that I thought I may be asked about. I didn't want any of my friends or family to watch because I was so scared – this was all so new to me, and I was terrified of failure.

The day of the pitch was the first day I posted a true, vulnerable, before and after photo of my product. I'm talking saggy boob and nipple cover out for everyone to see because I wanted anyone who came onto my page from the competition to see that my product truly works!!

I began the pitch and was overwhelmed when I started seeing names pop up and comments rolling in while I was speaking with Selene and Olivia. I was filled with adrenaline and confidence in this moment and was just so damn proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone. During my last sentence of the pitch, you could see that I started to cry a bit – I just couldn't believe that I actually did it.

Selene and Olivia were so kind throughout the question period, and finding out that I was top 3 was really incredible. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to have Selene’s and Olivia’s mentorship throughout some major milestones in my business – especially for launch. They have provided me with so much helpful advice and incredible ideas that I continue to incorporate in my weekly posts, and they have connected me with some wonderful people. They always make me feel as though my questions are valid, and they always do an incredible job of pointing me in the right direction. They take great time with me on our calls and texts, and I truly admire them both. I and am forever grateful for the experience. 

How has the Women In Business Start Up Competition positively impacted your business?
First off, it helped give me confidence – it made me realize, heck yes I AM a businesswoman! It helped me create some wonderful connections, such as two incredible mentors who inspire me immensely. Our conversations have contained tons of valuable advice and have helped me create ideas to bring myself more into my brand and make my weekly posts fun! (Wedding Wednesdays, Thirsty Thursdays, and Date Night Fridays were all inspired by our conversations.) 

What are 3 tips you would give to other women applying to the future Women in Business Startup Competition? 

  1. Have confidence in yourself – look how far you’ve already come
  2. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone 
  3. Be open to listening to new viewpoints, opinions, and methods to help you and your business grow 
Where would you like to see your business in 3 years? Let’s manifest it!

Expansion! Big things are coming – new product lines are in the works. I am hoping to make my brand even more inclusive by offering more products that align with my values in helping women find confidence in their own skin while still feeling beautiful. Expanding my team as my brand grows will also be an important step in this process. 

Lastly, what are your socials for your business and where can our Vitae Babes find you?

Website: myperfectpair.ca

Instagram: @My.PerfectPair  

TikTok: @myperfectpair


ELO: Explore. Learn. Observe.

2nd Place Winners


Can you introduce yourselves and your business? 
There's three of us, Ferwa Chevel-Khalfan, Sakina Issa, LMFT, and Maggie Hindia! Our business is called Explore Learn Observe, aka ELO, and we are on a mission to help raise kind and resilient kids! 

What's one fun fact about you all?
Fun fact, we built this business over zoom, and Sakina and Maggie had never actually met till after the product launched. We have a great sense of friendship and trust and we wouldn’t change that for the world!

How did you know you wanted to be entrepreneurs?
Not sure we each had a realization, but we knew we wanted to start something meaningful and we joined forces and our little collab turned into a registered business! We noticed the need that was out there in the world, especially for kids’ mental wellbeing and we decided to take the lead and change the space!

Being female entrepreneurs, why do you think having more businesses run by women is important?
I think women are super analytical which makes for a great business mindset, because we balance the theoretical side of things with some emotion, so we create products and campaigns that are more personable and closer to the customer! Being analytical we really try to play out the different scenes and really get to the root of certain challenges that our customers are facing and therefore, better able to serve them.

What’s a piece of advice for women who are struggling in taking their first step in their entrepreneurial journey? 
There's never a right time, just start, whatever doesn’t work out is an amazing learning experience. No one’s first idea is ever what they sell, but if you don't start, you won't discover the better version of your product, because the world won't be able to give you feedback on it - whether its a product or a service. 

Who’s a female entrepreneur you look up to?
Chriselle Lim, Seema Bansal-Chada and Miriam Ghandour of Mimi Yoga are three women I really am impressed and inspired by. They are breathing examples of resilience, building a brand, and consistently working hard! 

What is one of your favorite inspirational quotes to keep you motivated and driven?
That God does not give you more than you can bear! Whatever higher power you believe in, the message remains the same. You are always stronger than you believe, and you have the ability to get through things.

What was your experience like during the process of competing in the Women In Business Start Up Competition?
Definitely nervous, but we were very excited to share our message, and of course - potentially win.

How has the Women In Business Start Up Competition positively impacted your business?
The mentoring we received from Olivia and Selene was so so amazing. We were able to implement and amplify our experiences when sharing our mission with others, in ways we wouldn’t have thought to without their input. Secondly, the pitch process made us really tighten up our ‘elevator’ pitch and gave us practice talking to ‘strangers’ about our product! Of course, the financial grant was super helpful too! We were able to pay for a booth at a National trade show and connect with stores and buyers with that grant!

What are 3 tips you would give to other women applying to the future Women in Business Startup Competition? 

1. Be yourself - truly. 

2. Be concise while still sharing your passion.

3. Your story  and your ‘why’ speaks louder than your product. 

Where would you like to see your business in 3 years? Let’s manifest it! 
Yes! Love that! We will be getting ready to enter our first mass retail store. We will be getting known as the brand that's changing our kids' mental health. We will have repeat customers that want to share stories of how their kids are engaging in further dialogue about their emotions, their feelings and their challenges. We will be financially stable enough to increase our sustainability practices, give back a percentage of profits to kids’ and mental health related organizations, and maybe even treat ourselves to a nice dinner and restful day out on the company card ;)

Lastly, what are your socials for your business and where can our Vitae Babes find you?

Website: elodeck.com

Instagram: @elo.deck @inkfulthoughts @ferwachevelkhalfan @sakinamft


1st Place Winner

Can you introduce yourself and your business?
Hi! My name is Maya Page and I am the owner of Pie Happens, a post-coitus underwear line that is meant to help with drips, drops and excess liquids.

How did you know you wanted to be an entrepreneur? 
I’ve wanted to be an entrepreneur since I was a child. Both my parents were entrepreneurs themselves, so I don’t think I knew how not to be one. 

Being a female entrepreneur, why do you think having more businesses run by women is important?
I think it’s important to model the things we wish to see more of in the world. Growing up, a lot of the entrepreneurs that I knew of were males (other than my mother), so for me, I didn’t have a lot of examples of women to look up to and aspire to be. 

What’s a piece of advice for women who are struggling in taking their first step in their entrepreneurial journey? 
Just do it. And remember that done is better than perfect – if you wait for perfect, you’ll never launch. You’re better off launching and starting than waiting for everything to be “just right” before you do. You can always adjust and pivot along the way, but the first step is to just jump right in. 

Who’s a female entrepreneur you look up to?
Barbara Corcoran and Miki Agrawal 

What is one of your favorite inspirational quotes to keep you motivated and driven?
“I can’t complain about having a full plate when all I wanted to do was eat” – this helps me be grateful in times of stress when I feel like I have a million and one things to get done and the to-do list seems never-ending –  but then I remember that I wanted that to-do list, I wanted this business, I dreamed about being here, and it helps to re-center me. 

What was your experience like during the process of competing in the Women In Business Start Up Competition? 
It was fantastic, a bit nerve-wracking but overall an amazing experience. My idea was a little bit taboo so I was worried about how it might be received, but everyone was so welcoming and interested to hear about my idea, which really helped validate my vision. 

How has the Women In Business Start Up Competition positively impacted your business?
It has been amazing! I am so grateful to Olivia and Selene for their advice, mentorship and guidance. I feel like every entrepreneur suffers from imposter syndrome, and before I competed in the Women in Business Start Up Competition, I wasn’t sure if my idea was good enough to run with or not, but after speaking with Olivia and Selene and hearing their feedback and advice, it truly helped to validate my idea and vision. 

What are 3 tips you would give to other women applying to the future Women in Business Startup Competition? 

  1. Make sure you know your product, costs, and how you’re going to make it. Practice your pitch and try to include as much detail as possible. 
  2. Be conscious of the world at the moment - keep in mind that if you’re shipping your product from overseas that you might experience a lot of delays (like I personally did)
  3. Just be yourself and have fun with it! 

Where would you like to see your business in 3 years? Let’s manifest it! 
I would love to grow and expand the line, include more products, and sell my products in physical stores. 

Lastly, what are your socials for your business and where can our Vitae Babes find you?

Website: piehappens.com

Instagram: @piehappens 


This is your reminder that as a women, there is no limit to what you can achieve. Find what sets your soul on fire and go for it!  Let's continue to be empowering women who empower women. 

In celebration, we're teaming up with Huha Underwear, a fellow female-founded brand, for a HUGE GIVEAWAY on March 10th, 2022 @ 12pm PST, where we'll be giving away 200 FREE SETS - the best part? The FIRST 50 to enter are guaranteed to win.

Head to our IG: @vitaeapparel for more info right HERE!

Happy International Women's Day! 

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